Velas Resorts


  Official Valuable information about Velas Resorts.

      Please read the details and follow the advice, STAY AWAY!

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DO NOT Stay At A Velas Resort

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If you do decide to attend a sale presentation, please follow these important rules:

1.      Tell your sale associate that you do not want to listen to their normal sales presentation, that you want them to only explain the written agreements line by line.  The Velas resort likes to use the method where the sale associates explain in detail what you will receive from other outside companies to convince you to purchase, but these items are NOT written in the Velas’s sale agreements, plus you will never receive those benefits and afterwards Velas will only honor what is in the agreements.  So to protect yourself,

a.      as the agreements are being reviewed, make a T account listing all the positive (benefits) items on one side of the line and all the negative items on the other side.  Most likely you will quickly decide this is a one-sided agreement, which by the way will NOT be in your favor.

b.     do not, this is VERY important, include anything on the positive side as a benefit that is not clearly written in the Velas agreements, especially items or so called benefits for other companies. 

2.      Limit the meeting to the agreed 90 minutes.

3.      Make your final decision to purchase only by comparing the positive (benefits) verses the negatives (high costs) in your T account that you wrote down directly from the Velas agreements.    

4.      If you decide that you still want to be an owner, please do one more step, contact me and purchase mine.




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