Velas Resorts


  Official Valuable information about Velas Resorts.

      Please read the details and follow the advice, STAY AWAY!

Coronavirus is only a minor issue to worry about at Velas Resorts, much more serious dangers exists       

Velas Vallarta Warning

DO NOT Stay At A Velas Resort

Coronavirus isn't the only major concern!

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Kevin Spacey (center) is pictured with Juan Vela Ruiz (left) and Eduardo Vela Ruiz (right), respectively Vice President and President of Velas Resorts.

Recently, male sexual assault allegations were filed against Mr. Spacey.   With that mind, one much wonder why Juan has such a big smile on his face in the picture, could it be from the night before or thoughts of what will happen later  in the evening?   Nor does the picture reveal where any of the men's hands are, do their faces give a clue?   We are definitely not even going to begin to speculate what all 3 men are thinking or doing, you will have to make up your own mind and decide for yourself.  

However, the remainder of this website will actually tell you TRUE facts about Velas Resorts, which Eduardo and Juan own and how their employees lie to steal money from people.   The art of stealing money, just another way these Vela Ruiz brothers have found to get their hands into people's pockets.   It appears they do that very well and in many different ways. 

Welcome to our website!

The purpose of this website is to warn you, your family, friends and coworkers of the players in the fractional ownership industry about the schemes, scams, methods and lies they use to steal your money.  Our experience was at Velas Vallarta, in Puerto Vallarta, the Sales Associate make everything look so wonderful and great, but the bottom line is it is big business and these resorts and partners are out to rob you.  The Velas Sales Associate explained to us how we would receive money in the future from the rental of our fractional ownership property, but it never happened.  This website was developed to help protect you and others by providing our true and actual facts of what we experienced, if you're traveling or know someone who is, please take the time to read the facts.  These practices are not isolated to just the Velas Vallarta Resorts, they exist at resorts worldwide, though the schemes or methods used may vary.   For your best protection, you need to strongly consider staying away from all resort promotional programs and not to sign up to attend sales presentations at any resort or location, they will promise you gifts and/or money to attend.   Please help pass the word, share this website, the more we do the more people we will help.


Current Owners  You need to really strongly consider if it’s in your best interest to continue to pay your annual maintenance fees.   (click here for more information)

Velas Locations:

Velas Vallarta - Puerto Vallarta

Casa Velas - Puerto Vallarta

Grand Velas - Nuevo Vallarta

Grand Velas - Riviera Maya

Grand Velas Los Cabos

If you are considering a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Nuevo Vallarta, Riviera Maya or Los Cabos, you need to read the following information before your trip.

1.      Do you want to stay at a resort that is unethical?  (Learn more)

2.      If you are thinking about signing up for a Velas sales presentation this is a must read.   (Learn more

3.      If you do decide to attend a Velas sales presentation, read this and print a copy to take with you.  (Learn more)

4.      Please strongly consider if a one-sided agreement is in your best interest to sign.

5.      If you visit one of these cities and stay away from the above 4 items, you will have a wonderful vacation and definitely want to visit the area again.  Also, since you did NOT purchase one of Velas’s factional ownership plans, you will be in a much better financial position to afford future trips. 


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